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The Generations & Gender Contextual Database
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LFPR_ILOEST_Labour force participation rate by sex (ILO modelled estimates)
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LFPR_ILOEST_Labour force participation rate by sex (ILO modelled estimates)
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Thibaud Ritzenthaler, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)
9, cours des Humanités
CS 50004
93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
Phone : +33 (0)1 56 06 20 00
Oldest data:1948. Most recent data:2023
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Source(s) used: ILOSTAT, © 1996-2024 International Labour Organization. All rights reserved.
. Data downloaded on 06/11/2024
Citation Guidelines:
All data are free for scientific use only. For any other use, please contact the data producer directly to obtain authorization. Please cite the database as follows:
Generations and Gender Programme (Year). Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor).
Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year
If the data downloaded from the GGP Contextual Database comes only from one source (e.g. Eurostat), you might cite it as follows:
Original Source [e.g. Eurostat, © European Union, 1995-2019] (Data obtained through the Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor). Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year)
Please also check the original source for further information on the use of the data and proper citation.
Indicator (long name):Labour Force Participation rate by sex (ILO estimates)
Indicator (short name):LFP
Definition:The labour force participation rate expresses the labour force as a percent of the working-age population. Data are ILO modelles estimated for age 15+ and 15-64.
Source of variable definition:
UN Population Division Glossary of Demographic Terms.
. Last accessed on 13/9/2022.
Comments:The labour force is the sum of the number of persons employed and the number of persons unemployed. Employment comprises all persons of working age who during a specified brief period, such as one week or one day, were in the following categories: a) paid employment (whether at work or with a job but not at work); or b) self-employment (whether at work or with an enterprise but not at work). The unemployed comprise all persons of working age who were: a) without work during the reference period, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment; b) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; and c) seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or self-employment. National data on labour force participation rates may not be comparable owing to differences in concepts and methodologies. Most comparability issues have been addressed in the construction of the ILO estimates of labour force participation rates included in ILOSTAT.
ILO modelled estimates on labour force participation rates by sex and age include both nationally reported and imputed data. These data are all national, meaning there are no geographic limitations in coverage. The dataset was last updated in December 2022. For further information on the indicator, on the methodology used to produce harmonized estimates, and on the list of countries covered see Labour Force Statistics (LFS and STLFS) database description available here: (last access: 23/01/2022). ILOSTAT also provides ILO modelled projections, as well as statistics from national sources.
Reference areas:
Download the list of reference areas and the respective geographical codes.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Andorra , Year: 2006
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Andorra , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Andorra , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1978
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 1956
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1951
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 10 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1992
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1962
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1968
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 1999
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2000
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2001
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2002
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2003
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2004
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2005
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2009
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2010
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2011
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2012
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2013
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2014
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2015
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2016
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1975
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1976
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1972
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1983
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 13 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2000
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2001
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2002
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2003
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2004
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2005
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2006
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2007
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2008
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2009
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2010
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2011
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2012
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2013
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2014
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2016
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2017
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1957
Source : PC - Population Census. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1994
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Monaco , Year: 2016
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1980
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1994
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 76 years or older, but bounded.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1978
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1988
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2003
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2009
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2009
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2010
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2011
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2012
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2013
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2014
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2015
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2016
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2017
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2019
Source : HS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1992
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2017
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2018
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2019
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2020
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2021
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2022
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Labour costs.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1990
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1955
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1979
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2001
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2002
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1948
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1949
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1950
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1951
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1952
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1953
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1954
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1955
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1956
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1957
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1958
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1959
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1960
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1961
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1962
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1963
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1964
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1965
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1966
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1967
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1963
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 12 years old.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1996
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Andorra , Year: 2006
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Andorra , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Andorra , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1978
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 1956
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1951
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 10 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1992
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1962
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1968
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 1999
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2000
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2001
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2002
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2003
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2004
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2005
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2009
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2010
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2011
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2012
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2013
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2014
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2015
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2016
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1975
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1976
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1972
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1983
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 13 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2000
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2001
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2002
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2003
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2004
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2005
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2006
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2007
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2008
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2009
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2010
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2011
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2012
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2013
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2014
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2016
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2017
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1957
Source : PC - Population Census. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1994
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Monaco , Year: 2016
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1980
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1994
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 76 years or older, but bounded.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1978
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1988
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2003
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2009
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2009
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2010
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2011
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2012
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2013
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2014
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2015
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2016
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2017
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2019
Source : HS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1992
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2017
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2018
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2019
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2020
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2021
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2022
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Labour costs.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1990
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1955
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1979
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2001
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2002
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1948
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1949
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1950
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1951
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1952
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1953
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1954
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1955
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1956
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1957
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1958
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1959
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1960
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1961
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1962
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1963
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1964
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1965
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1966
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1967
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1963
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 12 years old.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1996
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Andorra , Year: 2006
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Andorra , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Andorra , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1978
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Geographical coverage: Main cities or metropolitan areas. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021
Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population and Housing Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Labour Sources Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 1956
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1951
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Canada , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1961
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 10 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - General Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Including armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Croatia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1992
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates based on Employment-related Surveys. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Denmark , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Estonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Finland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1962
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1968
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Employment Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: France , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 1999
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2000
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2001
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2002
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2003
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2004
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2005
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2009
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2010
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2011
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2012
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2013
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2014
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2015
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2016
Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Georgia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Germany , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Greece , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Hungary , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1975
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1976
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1977
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1979
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Iceland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ireland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1972
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1983
Source : PC - Population Census and Population Registers.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Israel , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Italy , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Japan , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Latvia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 13 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2000
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2001
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2002
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2003
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2004
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2005
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2006
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2007
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2008
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2009
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2010
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2011
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2012
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2013
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2014
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2016
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2017
Source : ADM-PR - Population Register. Data reference period: End of the year.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1957
Source : PC - Population Census. Data reference period: November.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1983
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1994
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1995
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 64 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Malta , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates based on Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Moldova , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Monaco , Year: 2016
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 14 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1980
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1981
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1982
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1994
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 76 years or older, but bounded.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Norway , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1978
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1988
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Poland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Portugal , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2003
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2009
Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2009
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2010
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2011
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2012
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2013
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2014
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2015
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2016
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2017
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2018
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2019
Source : HS - General Household Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 0-15.
Sex: Total , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Romania , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1976
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1985
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1986
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1987
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1988
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1990
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1991
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1992
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1993
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1996
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1997
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: December.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 1999
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2015
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2017
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2018
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2019
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2020
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2021
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: San Marino , Year: 2022
Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Serbia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Labour costs.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1991
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: May. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1950
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Spain , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Other or unspecified type of break.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Sweden , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1980
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1989
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Population coverage: Excluding armed forces and/or conscripts.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1990
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1955
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1960
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1965
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1970
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1979
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1989
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1995
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1998
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 1999
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 74 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2001
Source : OE - Official Estimates.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2002
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2003
Source : OE - Official Estimates. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Age coverage - maximum age: 70 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1966
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1971
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1981
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1948
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1949
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1950
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1951
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1952
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1953
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1954
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1955
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1956
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1957
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1958
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1959
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1960
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1961
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1962
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1963
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1964
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1965
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1966
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1967
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1968
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1969
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1970
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1971
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1972
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1973
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1974
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1975
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1976
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1977
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1978
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1979
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1980
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1981
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1982
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1983
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1985
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1986
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1987
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1988
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1989
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1996
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1997
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: United States , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1963
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1975
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1984
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1985
Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 12 years old.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1990
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1991
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1992
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1993
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1994
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1995
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1996
Source : PC - Population Census.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1998
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 1999
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2000
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2001
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2002
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2004
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2005
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2007
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2020
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.
Sex: Total , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023
Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.