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YUR / AUR ILOEST_ Youth unemployment rate and adult unemployment rate by sex (ILO modelled estimates)

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Source(s) used: ILOSTAT, © 1996-2024 International Labour Organization. All rights reserved. Data downloaded on 06/11/2024 Citation Guidelines:
All data are free for scientific use only. For any other use, please contact the data producer directly to obtain authorization. Please cite the database as follows:
Generations and Gender Programme (Year). Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor).
Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year
If the data downloaded from the GGP Contextual Database comes only from one source (e.g. Eurostat), you might cite it as follows:
Original Source [e.g. Eurostat, © European Union, 1995-2019] (Data obtained through the Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor). Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year)
Please also check the original source for further information on the use of the data and proper citation. Indicator (long name):Youth unemployment rate and adult by sex (ILO estimates) Indicator (short name):YUR_AUR Definition:The unemployment rate expresses the number of unemployed as a percent of the labour force. Data are ILO models estimated for age 15-24 and 25+. Source of variable definition: UN Population Division Glossary of Demographic Terms.. Last accessed on 13/9/2022. Comments:ILO modelled estimates on unemployment rate by sex and age include both nationally reported and imputed data. These data are all national, meaning there are no geographic limitations in coverage. The estimates were last updated in January 2022. For detailed information on the indicator, on the methodology used to produce harmonized estimates, and on the list of countries covered see YouthSTATS database description available here: (last access: 23/01/2023). ILOSTAT also provides ILO modelled projections, as well as statistics from national sources. Reference areas: Download the list of reference areas and the respective geographical codes.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2002

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2005

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Albania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Australia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Austria , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Female , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Canada , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Croatia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Denmark , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Estonia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Finland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: France , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2000

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2001

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2002

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2003

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2004

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2005

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2007

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2008

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2009

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2010

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2011

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2012

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2013

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2014

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2015

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2016

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Georgia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Germany , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Greece , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Hungary , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Iceland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ireland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Israel , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Italy , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Japan , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Latvia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Malta , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Moldova , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Monaco , Year: 2000

Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 15-16. Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old.

Sex: Female , Country: Monaco , Year: 2016

Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 15-16. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Norway , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Poland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Portugal , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2003

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2007

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Romania , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2009

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.

Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2010

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.

Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2015

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year.

Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2016

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year.

Sex: Female , Country: San Marino , Year: 2022

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Serbia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Spain , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Sweden , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 71+.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 71+.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: United States , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Female , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2002

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2005

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Albania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Australia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Austria , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Male , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Canada , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Population coverage: Excluding institutional population.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - General Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: China, Taiwan province of China , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Croatia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Cyprus , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Denmark , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Estonia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Finland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: France , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2000

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2001

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2002

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2003

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2004

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2005

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2007

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2008

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2009

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2010

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2011

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2012

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2013

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2014

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2015

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2016

Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HS - Integrated Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Georgia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Germany , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Greece , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Hungary , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Iceland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ireland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Israel , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Italy , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Japan , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Latvia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Lithuania , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Malta , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Moldova , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Monaco , Year: 2000

Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 15-16. Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old.

Sex: Male , Country: Monaco , Year: 2016

Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 15-16. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : PC - Population Census. Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Netherlands , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: New Zealand , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: April.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Norway , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Poland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Portugal , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Population coverage: Excluding both institutional population and armed forces and/or conscripts.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment. Source : LFS - Sample Survey of Employment.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2003

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2007

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Romania , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2009

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.

Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2010

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics.

Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2015

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year.

Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2016

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year. Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Data reference period: End of the year.

Sex: Male , Country: San Marino , Year: 2022

Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).Source : OE - Estimates of the Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and seeking).

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Data reference period: October.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Serbia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovakia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Slovenia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Spain , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Sweden , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Türkiye , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 71+.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 71+.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding ages 71+.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Ukraine , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: United States , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Current Population Survey. Nonstandard age group: Excluding age 15. Source : LFS - Current Population Survey.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Male , Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Continous Household Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2002

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2005

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Albania , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Remarks: Warning on the use of statistical series: Statistical series published after January 2007 and before December 2015 should be used with caution. The INDEC, based on what is stated in decrees 181/15 and 55/16, is undertaking the investigations required to ensure the regularity of data collection, processing and dissemination procedures..

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Argentina , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban. Source : LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2007

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2009

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2010

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2011

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2012

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2013

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Household Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2018

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2019

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2020

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Armenia , Year: 2021

Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey. Source : HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: OECD.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Australia , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Austria , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Total , Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Unemployment definition: Two criteria (not in employment and currently available).

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belarus , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2000

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2001

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2002

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2003

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2004

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2005

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2021

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2022

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Belgium , Year: 2023

Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation. Source : LFS - EU Labour Force Survey. Repository: Eurostat special tabulation.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2001

Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : HIES - Living Standards Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2006

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Break in series: Methodology revised.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2007

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2008

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2009

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2014

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing. Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing.

Sex: Total , Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020

Source : LFS - Labour Force Survey. B