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GDI_Gender Development Index

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Source(s) used: Human Development Report (HDR). Data downloaded on 24/10/2024. Citation Guidelines:
All data are free for scientific use only. For any other use, please contact the data producer directly to obtain authorization. Please cite the database as follows:
Generations and Gender Programme (Year). Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor).
Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year
If the data downloaded from the GGP Contextual Database comes only from one source (e.g. Eurostat), you might cite it as follows:
Original Source [e.g. Eurostat, © European Union, 1995-2019] (Data obtained through the Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor). Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year)
Please also check the original source for further information on the use of the data and proper citation. Indicator (long name):Gender Development Index Indicator (short name):GDI Definition:The Gender Development Index (GDI) measures gender inequalities in achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: health, measured by female and male life expectancy at birth; education, measured by female and male expected years of schooling for children and female and male mean years of schooling for adults ages 25 years and older; and command over economic resources, measured by female and male estimated earned income. Source of variable definition: UN Population Division Glossary of Demographic Terms.. Last accessed on 13/9/2022. Comments:Technical notes for the HDI can be found here Reference areas: Download the list of reference areas and the respective geographical codes.