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The Generations & Gender Contextual Database
4 Welfare and education
CRUS_Completion rate upper secondary education by sex
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CRUS_Completion rate upper secondary education by sex
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Thibaud Ritzenthaler, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED)
9, cours des Humanités
CS 50004
93322 Aubervilliers Cedex
Phone : +33 (0)1 56 06 20 00
Oldest data:1970. Most recent data:2023
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Countries by NUTS codes
Countries by OECD codes
Countries by GGP codes
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Albania , Andorra , Argentina ,
wave temp fix..
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of total
Bosnia and Herzegovina
China, Hong Kong SAR
Czech Republic
Kyrgyz Republic
New Zealand
North Macedonia
Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Tajikistan
Republic of Turkmenistan
Republic of Uzbekistan
Russian Federation
San Marino
United Kingdom
United States
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1970 , 1971 , 1972 ,
wave temp fix..
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of total
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(maximum number allowed is 500,000)
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Source(s) used: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Data accessed via the UNESCO Institute for Statistics data browser for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and refers to indicator Education FFA:
. Downloaded on 24/10/2024.
Citation Guidelines:
All data are free for scientific use only. For any other use, please contact the data producer directly to obtain authorization. Please cite the database as follows:
Generations and Gender Programme (Year). Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor).
Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year
If the data downloaded from the GGP Contextual Database comes only from one source (e.g. Eurostat), you might cite it as follows:
Original Source [e.g. Eurostat, © European Union, 1995-2019] (Data obtained through the Generations and Gender Contextual Database. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (distributor). Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year)
Please also check the original source for further information on the use of the data and proper citation.
Indicator (long name):Educational attainment at least completed lower secondary (ISCED 2 or more) (% population aged 25+)
Indicator (short name):EALS
Definition:Percentage of a cohort of children or young people aged 3-5 years above the intended age for the last grade of each level of education who have completed that grade.
Source of variable definition:
UN Population Division Glossary of Demographic Terms.
. Last accessed on 13/9/2022.
Reference areas:
Download the list of reference areas and the respective geographical codes.
Country: Albania , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Albania , Year: 2008
Source: Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS)
Country: Albania , Year: 2010
UIS based on ALB - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Albania , Year: 2011
Source: Preliminary results of Albanian Census 2011
Country: Albania , Year: 2012
Source: Living Standard Measurement Survey
Country: Albania , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Albania , Year: 2021
UIS based on ALB - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Albania , Year: 2022
UIS based on ALB - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Andorra , Year: 2014
Source: Family Budget Survey (EPF)
Country: Andorra , Year: 2015
Source: Family Budget Survey (EPF)
Country: Andorra , Year: 2016
Source: Family Budget Survey (EPF)
Country: Andorra , Year: 2022
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Argentina , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Argentina , Year: 1980
Source: Census
Country: Argentina , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Argentina , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Argentina , Year: 2003
Qualifier: Urban areas only. Source: WEI Data Source_DEM2
Country: Armenia , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Armenia , Year: 2010
UIS based on HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Armenia , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Armenia , Year: 2012
UIS based on HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Armenia , Year: 2013
UIS based on HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Armenia , Year: 2014
UIS based on ARM - LFS - Household Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: 75 years old
Country: Armenia , Year: 2017
Source: Estimated data, based on educational attainment by Population census results and permanent population as of 01.01.2018
Country: Armenia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: Armenia , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: Armenia , Year: 2020
Source: Estimated data, based on educational attainment by Population census results and permanent population as of 01.01.2020
Country: Armenia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: Armenia , Year: 2022
UIS based on ARM - LFS - Household Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: 75 years old
Country: Australia , Year: 1971
Source: Census
Country: Australia , Year: 2004
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: ABS Survey of Education and Work, May 2004
Country: Australia , Year: 2005
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: ABS - Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2006
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work, May 2006
Country: Australia , Year: 2007
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: ABS Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2008
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Survey of Education and Training
Country: Australia , Year: 2009
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (SEW), which is a supplement to the Monthly Labour Force Survey. Also contains demographic data.
Country: Australia , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (SEW), which is a supplement to the Monthly Labour Force Survey. Also contains demographic data.
Country: Australia , Year: 2011
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (SEW), which is a supplement to the Monthly Labour Force Survey. Also contains demographic data.
Country: Australia , Year: 2012
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (SEW), which is a supplement to the monthly Labour Force Survey
Country: Australia , Year: 2013
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2014
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2015
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Education and Work, Australia, May 2015
Country: Australia , Year: 2016
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Education and Work, Australia, May 2016
Country: Australia , Year: 2017
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2018
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work
Country: Australia , Year: 2019
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (May 2019)
Country: Australia , Year: 2020
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (May 2020)
Country: Australia , Year: 2021
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (May 2021)
Country: Australia , Year: 2022
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Survey of Education and Work (May 2022)
Country: Australia , Year: 2023
UIS based on AUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2010
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2011
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2012
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2013
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Austria , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Austria , Year: 2022
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Austria , Year: 2023
UIS based on AUT - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 1999
Source: Census
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2007
Source: Quarterly statistical survey of economically active population
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2008
Source: Quarterly statistical survey of economically active population
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2009
Source: Census
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2010
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2011
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2012
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2013
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2014
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2015
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2016
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2017
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2018
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2019
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2009
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2021
UIS based on OE - Official Estimates
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2022
UIS based on OE - Official Estimates; Age coverage - maximum age: 62 years old
Country: Azerbaijan , Year: 2023
Source: Estimated data based on polulation census from 2019
Country: Belarus , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Belarus , Year: 2009
Source: Census
Country: Belarus , Year: 2019
Source: Census
Country: Belgium , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Belgium , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Belgium , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Belgium , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Belgium , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Belgium , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2012
UIS based on BIH - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2013
UIS based on BIH - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2022
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina , Year: 2023
UIS based on BIH - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 1992
Source: Census
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Bulgaria , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Canada , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 1972
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 1976
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 1986
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Canada , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Canada , Year: 2023
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1971
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1976
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1986
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 1996
Source: Census
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2006
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2008
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2009
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2010
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2011
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2014
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2015
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2017
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2019
Source: General Household Survey
Country: China, Hong Kong SAR , Year: 2022
Source: General Household Survey
Country: Croatia , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Croatia , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Croatia , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Croatia , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Croatia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Cyprus , Year: 1992
Source: Census
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2004
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Cyprus , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Czech Republic , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Denmark , Year: 1991
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2003
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Labour force survey (Eurostat)
Country: Denmark , Year: 2007
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2009
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2011
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2012
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2013
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2014
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2015
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2016
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Census
Country: Denmark , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Denmark , Year: 2018
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Denmark , Year: 2020
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Denmark , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Denmark , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Estonia , Year: 2000
Source: Population Census;
Country: Estonia , Year: 2010
UIS based on EST - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Estonia , Year: 2011
UIS based on EST - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Estonia , Year: 2012
UIS based on EST - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Estonia , Year: 2013
UIS based on EST - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Estonia , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2020
Source: Statistical activity 30101 'Population'
Country: Estonia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Estonia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 1985
Source: Census
Country: Finland , Year: 1990
Source: Census
Country: Finland , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Finland , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: France , Year: 1990
Source: Census
Country: France , Year: 2004
Source: Insee, continuous employment survey (staff in thousands)
Country: France , Year: 2005
Source: Insee, continuous employment survey (staff in thousands)
Country: France , Year: 2007
Source: Insee, continuous employment survey
Country: France , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2011
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country: France , Year: 2012
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country: France , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Employment Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: France , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: France , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Employment Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: France , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Employment Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: France , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Employment Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: France , Year: 2023
UIS based on FRA - LFS - Employment Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Georgia , Year: 2002
Source: Population Census
Country: Georgia , Year: 2010
UIS based on HS - Integrated Household Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Georgia , Year: 2011
UIS based on HS - Integrated Household Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Georgia , Year: 2012
Source: Households
Country: Georgia , Year: 2013
UIS based on HS - Integrated Household Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Georgia , Year: 2014
Source: Integrated Household Survey
Country: Georgia , Year: 2015
UIS based on HS - Integrated Household Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Georgia , Year: 2016
Source: Integrated Household Survey
Country: Georgia , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Georgia , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Georgia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Georgia , Year: 2021
UIS based on GEO - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None | Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers
Country: Georgia , Year: 2022
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Georgia , Year: 2023
UIS based on GEO - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None | Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers
Country: Germany , Year: 2004
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force survey (Microcensus);
Country: Germany , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force survey (Microcensus);
Country: Germany , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Germany , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Germany , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Germany , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey (Microcensus)
Country: Germany , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Germany , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Greece , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Greece , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Greece , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2007
Source: National Statistical Service of Greece;
Country: Greece , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2011
UIS based on GRC - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Greece , Year: 2012
UIS based on GRC - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Greece , Year: 2013
UIS based on GRC - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Greece , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Greece , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Greece , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Greece , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Greece , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Greece , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Hungary , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Hungary , Year: 1980
Source: Census
Country: Hungary , Year: 2001
Source: Population Census
Country: Hungary , Year: 2005
Source: Micro-census (2 percent of the totally population)
Country: Hungary , Year: 2009
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2011
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2012
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2013
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey
Country: Hungary , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2005
Source: Other
Country: Iceland , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2019
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Iceland , Year: 2020
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Iceland , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Iceland , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 1971
Source: Census
Country: Ireland , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Ireland , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Ireland , Year: 2006
Source: Quarterly National Household Survey
Country: Ireland , Year: 2007
Source: Quarterly National Household Survey
Country: Ireland , Year: 2010
Source: Quarterly National Household Survey - Irish implementation of the European Union Labour Force Survey
Country: Ireland , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Ireland , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2017
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: 2016 Census based
Country: Ireland , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Ireland , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Israel , Year: 1972
Source: Census
Country: Israel , Year: 1982
Source: Census
Country: Israel , Year: 1983
Source: Census
Country: Israel , Year: 2004
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Israel , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Israel , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Italy , Year: 1971
Source: Census
Country: Italy , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Italy , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: Italy , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Fource Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Italy , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Italy , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Japan , Year: 2020
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 1999
Source: Census
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2009
Source: Census
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey
Country: Kyrgyz Republic , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey; Employment definition: Excluding own-use production workers
Country: Latvia , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Latvia , Year: 2004
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2005
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2006
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Latvian Labour Force Survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2007
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Latvian Labour Force Survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2008
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Latvian Labour Force Survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2009
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2011
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2012
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2013
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2014
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2015
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2016
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 74 years. Source: Labour force survey
Country: Latvia , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Latvia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Latvia , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Latvia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Latvia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Latvia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Liechtenstein , Year: 2000
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Lithuania , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2011
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Lithuania , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 1991
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2001
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2003
Source: Survey
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Luxembourg , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Malta , Year: 2000
Source: Labour Force Survey Quarter 2
Country: Malta , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey Quarter 2
Country: Malta , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2011
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country: Malta , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Malta , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Malta , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Malta , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Malta , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Moldova , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Moldova , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2008
Source: Labor Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2011
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country: Moldova , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Moldova , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Moldova , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2021
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2022
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Moldova , Year: 2023
UIS based on MDA - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Monaco , Year: 1975
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Monaco , Year: 2016
UIS based on PC - Population Census; Age coverage - minimum age: 17 years old
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2003
Source: Census
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2012
UIS based on MNE - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2013
UIS based on MNE - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Montenegro , Year: 2022
UIS based on MNE - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Netherlands , Year: 1971
Source: Census
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2004
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Netherlands , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: New Zealand , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: New Zealand , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
Country: New Zealand , Year: 2020
Source: HLFS is a quarterly survey. These estimates are an average of the 4 quarters in 2020
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 1994
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2002
Source: Census of the Population, Households and dwellings in Republic of Macedonia;
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2014
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2020
Source: Survey
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: North Macedonia , Year: 2023
UIS based on MKD - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Norway , Year: 2004
Source: Statistics Norway, Register data
Country: Norway , Year: 2005
Source: Statistics Norway, Register data
Country: Norway , Year: 2006
Source: Statistics Norway, Register data
Country: Norway , Year: 2007
Source: Statistics Norway, Register data
Country: Norway , Year: 2008
Source: The Register of the Population's Level of Education
Country: Norway , Year: 2009
Source: The Register of the Population's Level of Education
Country: Norway , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Register of the Population's Level of Education
Country: Norway , Year: 2011
Source: The Register of the Population's Level of Education
Country: Norway , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Norway , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Norway , Year: 2014
Source: Individually based statistics on educational attainment
Country: Norway , Year: 2015
Source: Register information - The Register of the Population's Level of Education encompasses all individuals registered as a resident in Norway per 01. October and who are aged 16 and older at the end of the reporting year
Country: Norway , Year: 2016
Source: Register information - The Register of the Population's Level of Education encompasses all individuals registered as a resident in Norway per 01. October and who are aged 16 and older at the end of the reporting year
Country: Norway , Year: 2017
Source: Register information - The Register of the Population's Level of Education encompasses all individuals registered as a resident in Norway per 01. October and who are aged 16 and older at the end of the reporting year
Country: Norway , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Norway , Year: 2019
Source: Register information - The Register of the Population's Level of Education
Country: Norway , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Norway , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Norway , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Poland , Year: 1978
Source: Census
Country: Poland , Year: 1988
Source: Census
Country: Poland , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2011
Source: Population and Housing Census
Country: Poland , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Poland , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Poland , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Portugal , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Portugal , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Portugal , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Portugal , Year: 1998
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 1999
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2000
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2001
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2002
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2003
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2004
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Portugal , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Portugal , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Portugal , Year: 2023
UIS based on PRT - LFS - Employment Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 1999
Source: Census
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2009
Source: Census
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan , Year: 2018
Source: Sample survey of employment of the population (sample survey of households. Form T-001)
Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2000
Source: Population Census
Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2016
UIS based on TJK - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: 75 years old
Country: Republic of Tajikistan , Year: 2017
Source: Based on 2010 population census
Country: Republic of Turkmenistan , Year: 1995
Source: Census
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2013
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2014
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2015
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2016
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2018
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2019
Source: Household sample survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2021
Source: Survey
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan , Year: 2022
Source: Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 1977
Source: Census
Country: Romania , Year: 1992
Source: Census
Country: Romania , Year: 2002
Source: Census
Country: Romania , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Romania , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2021
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Romania , Year: 2022
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 1989
Source: Census
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2002
Qualifier: Data for population 25 to 64 years. Source: Census of population
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2010
Source: Census of population
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2011
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2012
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2013
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2014
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2015
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2016
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2017
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2018
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2019
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2020
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2021
Source: Census of population
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2022
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Russian Federation , Year: 2023
UIS based on RUS - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: San Marino , Year: 2018
Source: Public registers
Country: San Marino , Year: 2020
Source: Public registers
Country: San Marino , Year: 2022
Source: Public registers
Country: Serbia , Year: 2002
Source: Census
Country: Serbia , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2011
Source: Census
Country: Serbia , Year: 2012
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Serbia , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Serbia , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Serbia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Serbia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Serbia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Serbia , Year: 2023
UIS based on SRB - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Slovakia , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2010
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2011
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovakia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Slovenia , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2013
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2017
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2019
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Slovenia , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Spain , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Spain , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: Spain , Year: 1986
Source: Census
Country: Spain , Year: 1991
Source: Census
Country: Spain , Year: 2004
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2005
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2006
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2007
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2008
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2013
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Spain , Year: 2014
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2015
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2016
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Spain , Year: 2018
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Spain , Year: 2020
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Spain , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Spain , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Sweden , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Sweden , Year: 1974
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1979
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1986
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1987
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1988
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1989
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1990
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Sweden , Year: 1991
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1992
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1993
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1994
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 1995
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2004
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2005
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2006
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2007
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2008
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2009
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2010
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2011
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2012
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2013
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2014
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2015
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2016
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2017
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Sweden , Year: 2019
Source: The Swedish Register of Education
Country: Sweden , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Sweden , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Sweden , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Switzerland , Year: 1980
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2012
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2013
UIS based on CHE - HIES - EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2014
Source: Swiss Labor Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2015
Source: Swiss Labor Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2016
Source: Swiss Labor Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2017
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2018
Source: Swiss Labor Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2019
Source: Swiss Labor Force Survey
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Switzerland , Year: 2023
UIS based on CHE - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: Türkiye , Year: 1975
Source: Census
Country: Türkiye , Year: 1980
Source: Census
Country: Türkiye , Year: 1985
Source: Census
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2004
Source: SIS, Household Labour Force Survey Results
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2005
Source: Household Labour Force Survey Results
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2006
Source: Household Labour Force Survey Results
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2007
Source: TURKSTAT, Household Labour Force Survey Results
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2008
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Address Based Population Registration System
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2009
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Census
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2010
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: ABPRS (Adress Based Population Registration System)
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2011
Source: ABPRS (Adress Based Population Registration System)
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2012
Source: National Education Statistics Database
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2013
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2014
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2015
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: ADDRESS BASED POPULATION REGISTRATION SYSTEM (ABPRS) DATABASE-NATIONAL DATABASE OF EDUCATION STATISTICS
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2016
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2017
Source: National Education Statistics Database (The information includes both survey results which was applied at the beginning of the implementation of the database and administrative data. NESD is updated every year by administrative registers compiled from institutions that provide information on education
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2019
Source: National Education Statistics Database (The information includes both survey results which was applied at the beginning of the implementation of the database and administrative data. NESD is updated every year by administrative registers compiled from institutions that provide information on education
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2020
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2021
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Türkiye , Year: 2022
UIS based on LFS - Household Labour Force Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing
Country: Ukraine , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: Ukraine , Year: 2001
Source: Census
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2009
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2010
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2011
Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2012
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2013
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2014
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2015
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2016
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2017
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2018
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - EU Labour Force Survey; Repository: Eurostat special tabulation
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2020
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2021
Qualifier: Proportion of population with unknown educational attainment greater than 5%. Source: Labour Force Survey
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2022
UIS based on GBR - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: United Kingdom , Year: 2023
UIS based on GBR - LFS - Labour Force Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None
Country: United States , Year: 1970
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1975
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1979
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1980
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1981
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1990
Source: Census
Country: United States , Year: 1994
Source: Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2004
Source: Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2005
Source: Census Bureau; Currentl Population Survey March 2005
Country: United States , Year: 2006
Source: October Supplement of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2008
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2009
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2010
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2011
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2012
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2013
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2014
Source: October and March Supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2015
Source: October 2014 and March 2015 Supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2016
Source: October 2015 and March 2016 Supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2018
Source: October 2017 and March 2018 Supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2019
UIS based on LFS - Current Population Survey
Country: United States , Year: 2020
Source: March 2020 Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2022
Source: March 2022 Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
Country: United States , Year: 2023
UIS based on LFS - Current Population Survey; Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 16 years old
Country: Uruguay , Year: 1975
Source: Census
Country: Uruguay , Year: 1985
Source: Census
Country: Uruguay , Year: 1996
Source: Census
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2003
Source: WEI Data Source_DEM2
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2006
Source: Continuous households survey
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2008
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2009
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2010
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2011
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2012
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2013
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2014
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2015
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2016
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2017
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2018
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2019
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2021
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2022
ECLAC based on Encuesta Continua de Hogares, National, Annual
Country: Uruguay , Year: 2023
UIS based on URY - LFS - Continous Household Survey - Repository: ILO-STATISTICS - Micro data processing | Age coverage - minimum age: 15 years old | Age coverage - maximum age: None